Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

Using decimal values can dramatically improve anti-aliasing results, as seen
above. Top: 16pt Goudy Oldstyle with Strong Anti-Aliasing. Bottom: 16.5pt Goudy
Oldstyle with Strong Anti-Aliasing.

sIFR Text

Using sIFR to replace headers with a block of Flash brings benefits beyond
the obvious. Yes, it solves the problem of having to use CSS image
replacement techniques to provide a wider array of fonts, but it also allows
incredible control over how the type is anti-aliased. Particularly useful are
the sharpness and thickness settings, which control the edges of glyphs. (If
only Photoshop had these settings!)

You can set and tweak a number of settings to fit your implementation; and
they can be controlled by passing keyword arguments inside the sifr-
config.js file. These settings include:

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