Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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Diogo Terror

Diogo Terror is a web developer that is passionate about good design,
whether that՚s in the graphic sense or in the computer science sense.

Douglas Bonneville

Douglas Bonneville is a professional graphic designer and developer who
runs the BonFX design blog. Active since 1992, he is also author of The Big
Book of Font Combinations and developer of the Font Combinations App.
He loves typography, CMS, jQuery, HTML5, and anything that is easy to

Inayaili de León

Inayaili de León is a Portuguese Web designer. She has a true passion for
Web design and front-end coding and loves beautiful and clean Web sites.
She lives in London (and blogs about it), and enjoys pizza and „skyping“ her
cats. You can see more of her articles at Web Designer Notebook.

Manuela Müller

Manuela is a qualified journalist with a profound background in digital
publishing and web design. She՚s part of Smashing Media՚s editorial team.

Michael Martin

Michael Martin writes about web design, WordPress and coding at Pro Blog
Design. You can subscribe there for advice on making the most of your
blog՚s design, or follow him on Twitter.

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