Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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Line Height
Line height is a very common term meaning the space between individual
lines of text. Line height is another factor in the readability of body text and
even headers. Sufficient line height is especially important in Web design
because it makes the text ultimately more scannable. Line height that is too
short will cause users to squint while reading. If it is too large, the text will
seem like separate bodies instead of grouped together as one. You՚ll find a
rule of thumb for practical line heights in this article.

Letter Spacing
Like line height, letter spacing affects readability in web typography. Letter
spacing is, as the name suggests, the space between each letter in a word.
In print layout, negative letter spacing is a common technique to add a
more fun feel to the layout, but it should never be used in body text. In any
text, letter spacing is an obvious factor in legibility.

Line Length
Line length is often overlooked in web typography but should not be. Line
length is, of course, the number of words per line. A good line length is one
that allows the reader՚s eyes to flow from the end of one line to the
beginning of the next very easily and naturally.

The Keys to Readable Typography

Achieving readability is relatively easy; all it takes is following a few key
practices. A readable Web page can go a long way with your users, and
readability has a huge impact on their experience. Designing for the web is
all about making the user՚s experience as pleasant as possible. Here are 9
tips that will help you work towards readability.

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