Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

  1. User-Friendly Headers
    Headers are a key element in typography, Web and print alike. As
    mentioned, they are part of the text hierarchy and a major factor in
    scannable content.

First off, header size is just as important as the size of the body text. Going
too big with the header with a large amount of content can throw the user
off balance when reading and cause them to lose their spot. It will
ultimately ruin the flow of the content and be a distraction. Headers that
are too small will ruin the hierarchy of the article, too. If the header is too
small, it will not draw the user՚s attention as it should.

As a next step it is important to provide ample space between the header
and body text.

  1. Scannable Text
    I have already mentioned “scannable” text many times, and you have surely
    heard it elsewhere. Scannable text goes hand in hand with readable text.
    Making copy scannable consists of good use of headers, hierarchy and
    focus points to guide the user through the content.

So, what makes copy scannable? Well, there are many factors, most of
which have already been mentioned. Header size and position, body text
size, text line height, text contrast and the way focus points are
differentiated all impact how scannable copy is.

Focus points are certain elements or objects within the layout that attract,
or are supposed to attract, the user՚s attention. This could be a header, a
graphical element, a button, etc.

  1. White Space
    In content-heavy layouts, spacing contributes to the readability of content.

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