Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

  1. Good Margins
    Yo u h e a r p e o p l e s a y t h a t y o u s h o u l d u s e w h i te s pa c e , b u t w h y? W h i te s pa c e
    actually helps draw the user՚s eye to the text. The blank area (white space)
    forces the eye to focus on the text. So white space will influence the flow
    and readability of content. Margins are one of the best white space
    elements and support text elements well. Margins on either side will force
    the user՚s eye to focus inward on the core content of the article.

Margins also support the article in another way. They help separate content
from the rest of the design and layout. Text shouldn՚t bleed into other
layout elements, especially if it is a long article. Margins help define the
article and its separation.

In the grid-based layout below, margins and only margins are used to set
apart bodies of text. The result is a clean, clear and concise page.

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