Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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the site. Conventions also helps us to treat content within various page
areas differently.

3. Design for Optimal Flow

Hierarchy is important in page flow as well. It helps users to recognize the
most important elements of the page as they scroll down through it. There
are other typographic issues to look at regarding the flow. Spacing is a big
part of the flow.

All these elements form the flow of the page:

  • White space

  • tracking

  • leading

  • indentation

  • padding

  • margins on elements

Nick La has written an article on Typographic Contrast and Flow. It uses the
web Designer Wall site as an example of good flow. The explanation given
of flow is concise:

“Space plays the most important part in maintaining flow of your design.
Good use of space will tell the reader where to start, when to pause,
where it ends, and what to do next.”
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