Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

Bart-Jan Verhoef՚s portfolio focuses on text rather than on visual elements.
There are a few carefully selected brand and design elements converted to
images, but a large percentage of the text is kept as web text. The mood of
the design is created with background images, while the text remains

This is a way to create a grunge design while meeting user needs well. Look
back at this design after reviewing the „Treat Text as a User Interface“
section coming up, as it does an excellent job of that.

Splendid example of beautiful and legible design: http://www.subdued.net

Of course, designers and artists will continue to experiment with the
boundaries of legibility. The best place for extreme experiments is in
personal art projects, like the site EXP Typo below. Notice how the text in

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