Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

Two thirds of the Web sites we surveyed used sans-serif fonts for body
copy. The main reason is probably because, despite the growing popularity
of advanced font replacement techniques, such as Cufón, most designers
stick to the core Web fonts, which essentially give them only two viable
options: Georgia and Times New Roman.

And because of the stigma attached to Times New Roman (that it often
makes a modern Web site look outdated), they՚re left with only Georgia.
Sans-serif fonts used to offer a wider variety of options for the web.

This limitation in choice, however, will soon be overcome by the use of the
@font-face rule and web font embedding services.

2. Which Typeface Is Most Popular?

Surprisingly, despite the growing popularity of font replacement techniques
and growing availability of new pre-installed fonts (e.g. Windows Vista and
Mac fonts), designs in our study mainly used the traditional, core Web

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