Part I: Access Building Blocks
All foreign key values must be matched by
corresponding primary keys
The second referential integrity rule says that all foreign key values must be matched by corre-
sponding primary keys. This means that every record in a table on the “many” (or child) side of a
one-to-many relationship must have a corresponding record in the table on the “one” (or parent)
side of the relationship. A record on the “many” side of a relationship without a corresponding
record on the “one” side is said to be orphaned and is effectively removed from the database
schema. Identifying orphaned records in a database can be very difficult, so you’re better off avoid-
ing the situation in the first place.
The second rule means that
l Rows cannot be added to a “many” side table (the child) if a corresponding record
does not exist on the “one” side (the parent). If a child record contains a ParentID
field, the ParentID value must match an existing record in the parent table.
l (^) The primary key value in a “one” side table cannot be changed if the change would
create orphaned child records.
l (^) Deleting a row on the “one” side must not orphan corresponding records on the
“many” side.
For example, in the sales example, the foreign key in each record in tblSales (the “many” side)
must match a primary key in tblEmployees. You can’t delete a record in tblCustomers (the
“one” side) without deleting the corresponding records in tblSales.
One of the curious results of the rules of referential integrity is that it is entirely possible to have a
parent record that is not matched by any child records. Intuitively, this makes sense. A company
may certainly have employees who haven’t yet been issued paychecks. Or, the Collectible Mini
Cars company may hire a new employee who hasn’t made any sales yet. Eventually, of course,
most parent records are matched by one or more child records, but this condition is not a require-
ment of relational databases.
As you’ll see in the next section, Access makes it easy to specify the integrity rules you want to
employ in your applications. You should be aware, however, that not using the referential integrity
rules means that you might end up with orphaned records and other data integrity problems.
When you create database tables, like those created in Chapter 2, you should assign each table a
primary key. This key is a way to make sure that the table records contain only one unique value;
for example, you may have several contacts named Michael Heinrich, and you may even have more
than one Michael Heinrich (for example, father and son) living at the same address. So, in a case
like this, you have to decide how you can create a record in the Customer database that will let you
identify each Michael Heinrich separately.