Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
92 ... Gabriel Morris

and spent the night with him out at his cabin. In the morning, he
took me out to show me the ramp. Having no skateboards with us at
the time, we were just messing around on it in our bare feet, running
up and down, back and forth on the slopes of the structure.
The north-facing slope was still wet with dew. Once, I jumped from
the top of the ramp and, as I landed, my heal hit the dampened wood
at such an angle that my foot slipped out from under me. I was thrown
into the air almost upside-down and slammed back down onto the
ramp on my neck and upper back. My entire back was suddenly en-
gulfed in searing, excruciating pain, which stayed with me for months.
I didn’t bother going to a doctor until a couple of months later,
when I was able to get health insurance. I got X-rays and found that
I was still healing from two hairline fractures to my vertebrae, one in
the upper and one in the lower back.
Prior to this injury, which occurred mid-March, I was just beginning to
see some light at the end of the dark tunnel that I had been trapped in for
the past three months. But the injury crushed out the crack of light that
had seemed to be appearing, and I was thrust back into suffocating dark-
ness. I found myself in profound pain nearly every waking minute, and
now even during my erratic sleep. What little sleep I did manage to find
no longer gave me even the temporary relief of unconsciousness, leaving
me little hope that there might be an eventual course out of my plight.
Upon my mom’s suggestion, I began seeing a therapist. But having
no knowledge of Kundalini and its effects, she was unable to really
help me. Although it was comforting to have someone with whom I
could share the pain of my experiences, simply talking about it didn’t
serve to truly alleviate the source of my symptoms. In fact, nothing I
tried helped me much at that point. I was simply waiting in torment
for something to somehow change.
At my therapist’s suggestion, I started taking anti-depressants,
since her assessment was that I must be experiencing physiological
depression. I gave them a try, since I was open to anything. However,
they did nothing but agitate my nervous system even more; and after
a few weeks, I stopped taking them.

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