commercial paper, 212
regulation of, by the SEC, 72
money printing. See monetary ease
money supply. See monetary ease;
monetary policy
Monster Box, container of silver coins
known as the, 219, 246
Morgan, J. Pierpont, on gold, 148
Morningstar, high rating of Schwab
U.S. Dividend Equity ETF given by, 233
mortgage meltdown, potential of Swiss
franc’s revaluation to cause a, 141
mortgages, investors prepaying their, 251
multiplier effect, savings on gasoline
causing, 95
mutual fund, actively managed, invest-
ing in Treasury bonds through an, 211
mutually assured destruction, 131, 203–204
national defense community, “fighting
the last war” mindset of the, 83
National Export Initiative, as a salvo in
a currency war, 140
negative interest rates. See also finan-
cial repression; interest-rate policy
in dystopian future, 5
New Constructs, high marks given to
Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETF
by, 233
New Depression, 12–18, 26–27. See
also depression
New World Order Growth Plan, dysto-
pian prospect of the, 1
Nixon, Richard, decision to take United
States off the gold standard, 121
nominal GDP, measurement of, in terms
of money supply and velocity, 51
nominal income, real income vs., 41–42
Obama, Barack
removal of sanctions on Iran by, 129
state of emergency extended by,
oil exploration, financing the costs of,
oil prices. See also energy production
drop in, 80, 86–93, 99, 250
expected floor on, 87–88
implications of various, 94–97
job losses through reduction in,
savings on gasoline spending
through reduction in, 94–95
winners and losers under various,
oil producers, incentives of non-OPEC,
to increase production, 101
oil, cost of production of, 88
sanctions against Russia harming
Russian, 133
White House’s relationship with
American, 134
optimal control, theory and model of,
optimization problem, Saudi Arabia’s,
order, liberty lost to restore, 6
Page, Larry, on technological deflation,
Panic of 2018, dystopian prospect of
the, 2
paper gold, einvesting in, 161–62
paradigm shift, from geocentric view to
heliocentric view, 186–87
paradigm, prevailing, in financial
theory, 187–88
payroll tax, stimulus through cuts in,
peer-to-peer lending, rise of, 54–55
pegged exchange rates, tight and loose,
141, 173
Pentagon, financial war game con-
ducted by, 126
People’s Bank of China, reflation of as-
set bubbles by, 75
perfect storm in finance, 79–102