Chapter 45 The beam of the flashlight was directed away from Stanley’s eyes and onto Zero, who was sitting on his knees. The sui ...
“Then a teammate told me about Sploosh,” said the television Clyde. He pulled a can of Sploosh out from under the dugout bench a ...
He could see six lizards. There were three on the ground, two on his left leg, and one on his right sneaker. He tried to remain ...
Chapter 46 Five hundred seconds later, his heart was still beating. Mr. Pendanski screamed. The lizard which had been in the cer ...
“She’s not going to like it,” said Mr. Pendanski. “She’s not going to like anything we tell her,” said the Warden. She stared at ...
He glanced at Zero. A lizard was perched on his shoulder. Zero remained perfectly still except for his right hand, which slowly ...
Chapter 47 The sun was up, and Stanley’s heart was still beating. There were eight lizards in the hole with him. Each one had ex ...
As the sun rose, the lizards moved lower in the hole, keeping mainly in the shade. They were no longer on his head and shoulders ...
The man was more than a head taller than she, and was able to look directly over her as he spoke to the Warden. “How long have t ...
disturb the lizards too much. As he pulled himself upward, the lizards moved downward, keeping out of the sun’s direct rays. He ...
Chapter 48 They slowly walked back to camp. The tall man was the Texas Attorney General, the chief law enforcement officer for t ...
“He has not been officially released,” said the Warden. “Open the suitcase, Stanley!” “Do not open it,” said Stanley’s lawyer. S ...
The Attorney General assured Stanley’s lawyer that he would get the records. “Excuse me, while I call my office.” He turned back ...
General was right behind her. “My office is having some difficulty locating Hector Zeroni’s records,” the Attorney General said. ...
Chapter 49 There never used to be yellow-spotted lizards in the town of Green Lake. They didn’t come to the area until after the ...
lay between them. It was locked, and they decided they’d let Stanley’s father try to open it in his workshop. “You don’t know wh ...
Part 3 Filling in the Holes ...
Chapter 50 Stanley’s mother insists that there never was a curse. She even doubts whether Stanley’s great-great-grandfather real ...
But not a lot less. It was enough for Stanley to buy his family a new house, with a laboratory in the basement, and for Hector t ...
“Then a teammate told me about Sploosh,” said the television Clyde. He pulled a can of Sploosh out from under the dugout bench a ...
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