
(Steven Felgate) #1
Parent and Child Roots - S

[freq. 100] |kjv: skin, hide,
leather, chaff| {str: 5784, 5785}
am) 6JSQ (6JSQ M-AhWR)
— Nakedness: [freq. 1] |kjv:
nakedness, pudendum| {str:
K) *VS (*VS AhRW)ac:? co:
Naked ab: ?: The shame of one
being naked.
Nf1) )JVS ()JVS AhR-WH)
— I. Nakedness: [Hebrew and
Aramaic] II. Shame: From ones
nakedness. [freq. 55] |kjv:
nakedness, shame, unclean,
uncleanness, dishonor| {str:
6172, 6173}
M) 6 MS (6MSAhYR)ac: Watch
co:? ab: ?: In the sense of seeing.
Nm) 6MS (6MS AhYR) —
Watcher:[Aramaic only] [freq.
3] |kjv: watcher| {str: 5894}

Adopted Roots;
2580 4VS Behead, Neck

1366) 7 S (7SAhSh) ac: Waste co:?
B) 7 WS (7WS AhShSh) ac:
Waste co:? ab:?
V)7WS (7WSAh-ShSh) —
Waste: To waste or fail away.
[freq. 3] (vf: Paal) |kjv:
consumed| {str: 6244}

1367) 8 S (8S AhT) ac:? co:? ab:
Time:A period of time as a moment or
A) 8 S (8SAhT) ac:? co:? ab:
Nf)8S (8S AhT) — Time:
[freq. 296] |kjv: time, season,
when, always| {str: 6256}
fm) -XS (-XS Ah-TY) —
Ready: [freq. 1] |kjv: fit| {str:
H))XS ()XSAhTH) ac:? co:?
ab: Now: The present time.
Nm) )XS ()XS Ah-TH) —
Now: [freq. 9] |kjv: now,
whereas, henceforth,
straightway| {str: 6258}
sm)2MXS (2MXSAh-TYN) —
Now: [Aramaic only] [df: Nyda]
[freq. 57] |kjv: then, now, time|
{str: 116}
J) 8 JS (8JSAhWT) ac: Speak co:
? ab: ?: [Unknown connection to
V) 8JS (8JS AhWT) —
Speak:[freq. 1] (vf: Paal) |kjv:
speak| {str: 5790}

Adopted Roots;
2590 6XS Multiply, Abundance

1368) +S (+SAhGh) ac:? co:? ab:?
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