Advances in Risk Management

(Michael S) #1

multivariate normal distribution see
basic multivariate normal (BMVN)
multivariate statistical surveillance
comparison of multivariate and
statistical control charts 253–8
multivariatet-distribution 244–5
Myers, S.C. 283

NatWest 206
negative binomial distribution 4–5
negative returns 273
Nelken, J. 109
Nelson, D.B. 86–7, 90
news impact surfaces 342–4
Ng, V.K. 266, 305, 328, 330, 342, 344
Ngai, H.-M. 248, 249, 250
no-arbitrage models 92, 93
no default risk 281
non-normality 163–4
non-synchronous trading problem
normal distribution 288, 289, 290, 294
NPV probability distribution 278–302
and the central limit theorem
285–97; simulation models and
statistical tests 288–9; simulation
results 289–93; theoretical results
systematic risk and the perfect
economy 280–2
total risk and the real economy

one-factor models of interest rate term
structure 92–3
operational risk 1–21
collection threshold 8–11; empirical
analysis of impact 11–16, 17, 18,
measuring 3–8
optimal weight changes 57, 58–63,
65–6, 67
optimization, portfolio seeportfolio
option pricing models 199
Black–Scholes model see
Black–Scholes option pricing
model risk 201–3
option pricing theory 112–14, 116–17
options 158
call options 74–5, 158

European call options 113–14,
116–17, 172
exotic 209–10
out-of-the-money options 26, 34, 35
orthogonalization 309
out-of-control states 247, 255–8
out of sample model efficiency 234–5,
out-of-the-money options 26, 34, 35
over the counter (OTC) contracts 158

parallel change in yield curve 77–9
parameters misspecification 359–60,
Parner, E. 143, 144
partial derivatives (PDs) 48–9, 50–1,
52–3, 65
Patton, A.J. 310
peak over threshold (POT) method 7
Peccati, L. 50, 51
Peña, J.I. 304
Penzer, J. 162
Perez, J.V. 304
perfect economy 280–2
Peters, J.P. 8
Philipov, A. 108
Philips, T. 242
Philips and Perron test 307
Phoa, W. 128
Pickands, J. 7
Pignatiello, J.J. 248
Pistre, N. 192
Platen, E. 112
Poisson distribution 4
Pollak, M. 249
Polson, M. 354
Poon, S.H. 305
Popper, K. 281
portfolio holdings-based risk measure
seediversification-based risk
portfolio insurance 23, 30
pricing 37–43; insurance and
dollar-denominated risk 42–3;
insurance with rebalancing
39–42; insurance without
rebalancing 38–9
portfolio optimization
covariance structure of asset returns
and optimal portfolio weights
impact of correlation jumps 237,
238, 239
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