behavior in the out-of-control state
sequential control procedures, behavior
structure of Monte Carlo study
covariance structure of asset returns
and optimal portfolio weights
multivariate statistical surveillance
simultaneous statistical surveillance
Servigny, A. de 143
severity distribution 5–7, 12, 13,
16, 17
Shanken, J. 258
Sharma, J. 328
Sharpe, W.F. 107, 194, 278
Shaw, S. 284
Shephard, N. 54
short selling constraints 267
shortest path 28
shorthand, models as 197–8
Shreve, S. 357
shrinkage 162–3
shrinking method 249
Simon, C.P. 48
Simons, E. 359
simplicity 207–8
simultaneous MEWMA control statistic
253, 254–8, 259
simultaneous statistical surveillance
comparison of multivariate and
statistical control charts 253–8
single contracts 166–7
skewness 270, 271, 274
skewness parameter 146–7
SMALL CAP index 331–51
small capitalization stocks 327–52
smile 109, 196, 354
Solnik, B. 305
Spahr, R.W. 108
Spain–USA volatility transmission
patterns 303–26
spreadsheet syndrome 205
Sprecher, C.R. 283
stability, index of 146–7
standard portfolio analysis of risk
(SPAN) risk management system
25, 27
standardized approach (SA) 2
state–space representation 95–7
statistical surveillance 242
comparison of multivariate and
simultaneous 253–8
multivariate 246–51
simultaneous 251–3
steepening in yield curve 81–2, 83
Stein, E.M. 354, 356
Stein, J.C. 354, 356
Stein, R.M. 109
Steinand, D. 242
stochastic volatility 48, 86–106, 354
and conditional volatility 86–7,
idiosyncratic risk, systematic risk
and 107–31; simulation study
118–26; stochastic volatility and
Merton’s pricing 112–14;
stochastic volatility model 114–17
and interest rate term structure
forecasting 87, 92–103
hedging with inflation-linked
products 182–9
large and small capitalization stocks
in Europe 327–52
optimal portfolio and
inflation-linked bonds 181–2
Strauss, J. 304, 323
stress testing for models 209
Stuck, B.W. 148
Stulz, R.M. 283, 284, 285
subadditivity 28
Summers, L.H. 281
Sunderman, M.A. 108
super-hedging strategies 203
Susmel, R. 305
swaps 26, 34, 158
systematic risk 279
idiosyncratic risk, stochastic
volatility and 107–31
and the perfect economy 280–2
T^2 control charts 248, 252, 254–8
Taksler, G.B. 108
Talay, D. 192
Tay, A.S. 216
Taylor, S.J. 89
telecommunication 57, 63, 64
term structure of interest rates
forecasting seeinterest rate term
structure forecasting
terminal portfolio values 24–5
terrorism seeSeptember 11 2001
terrorist attacks
Thakor, A.V. 284