Advances in Risk Management

(Michael S) #1

Duan, J.-C. (1995) “The GARCH Option Pricing Model”,Mathematical Finance, 5: 13–32.
Duan, J.-C. and Zhang, H. (2001) “Pricing Hang Seng Index Options around the
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Engle, R.F. (1982) “Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity with Estimates of the
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Engle, R.F. and Merzich, J. (1996) “GARCH for Groups”,RISK, August: 36–40.
Gourieroux, C., Laurent, J.P. and Scaillet, O. (2000) “Sensitivity Analysis of Values at
Risk”,Journal of Empirical Finance, 7: 225–45.
Hull, J.C. (1999)Options, Futures and Other Derivatives (Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Manganelli, S. (2004) “Asset Allocation by Variance Sensitivity Analysis”,Journal of
Financial Econometrics, 2(3): 370–89.
Manganelli, S., Ceci, V. and Vecchiato, W. (2002) “Sensitivity Analysis of Volatility: ANew
Tool for Risk Management”, European Central Bank, Working Paper Series, Working
Paper no. 194.
McNeil A.J. and Frey, R. (2000) “Estimation of Tail Related Risk Measures for Het-
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Saltelli, A. (1997) “The Role of Sensitivity Analysis in the Corroboration of Models and
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Saltelli, A. (1999) “Sensitivity Analysis: Could Better Methods be Used?”,Journal of
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Saltelli, A., Tarantola, S. and Chan, K.P.S. (1999) “A Quantitative Model-Independent
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Shephard, N. (2005) “Stochastic Volatility”, in N. Shephard (ed.),Advanced Texts in
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Simon, C.P. and Blume, L. (1994)Mathematics for Economists(New York: W.W. Norton
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Taggart, R.A. (1996)Quantitative Analysis for Investment Management(Upper Saddle River,
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Turanyi, T. and Rabitz, H. (2000) “Local Methods”, in A. Saltelli, K. Chan and E.M. Scott
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Wang, Z.(1998)“EfficiencyLossandConstraintsonPortfolioHolding”,JournalofFinancial
Economics, 48(3): 359–75.

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