Beautiful Architecture
Although it is certainly true that requiring data to be persistent is a major difference in the architecture, and that accessing ...
significant amount of parallelism that can be exploited in games and virtual worlds. If the amount of concurrency that we can ex ...
Simplifying the Programmer’s Job Indeed, if minimizing latency while allowing scale were the only goal of the server developer, ...
There is still much about the Darkstar architecture that we have not tested or that we don’t fully understand. Although we have ...
C H A P T E R F O U R Making Memories Michael Nygard SINCE THE EARLIEST TINTYPES AND DAGUERREOTYPES, we have always seen photogr ...
In 2005, my colleagues and I from Advanced Technologies Integration (ATI) in Minneapolis worked together with developers from LP ...
Associates are photographers, not graphic artists Photographers are trained to use the camera, not Photoshop. When an inexperien ...
After loading a session, the photographer deletes any obviously bad photographs: ones with closed eyes, sour expressions, babies ...
it easier to approach the elephant from several perspectives, but paper doesn’t yet support hyperlinks very well. As we look at ...
The breaking point came when we introduced Spring* about three iterations into the project. We were following an “agile architec ...
Module dependencies Thinking of each top-level directory as a module, I thought it would be natural to have each module contain ...
With these manifest files, we just needed a way to parse them and do something useful. I wrote a launcher program, imaginatively ...
WHAT ABOUT OSGI? When we started this project in late 2004, the OSGi framework was just beginning to gain broader visibility—tha ...
languages in your head—Java plus the XML schema—instead of just Java? Besides, XML makes a clumsy programming language. GUI buil ...
Forms never directly call screens. In fact, most of them don’t even know the concrete class of their screens. All communication ...
aspects of the domain object. For example, the customer form exposes StringProperty objects for the customer’s first name, last ...
An interesting wrinkle developed after we had built the first iteration of this property-binding framework. The first screen we ...
Application facade There’s a classic pitfall in building a strong domain model. The presentation layer—or in this case, the UI M ...
So any workstation in the studio must be interchangeable, but “interchangeable” presents some problems. The images for a single ...
the client side, we built a local, caching, write-behind proxy. When a caller asks for an image, this client image repository ei ...
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