A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
Oh l Bpring may come, and lpring may go;
Flowers, 8Uilllhine, ~ot cheOl' them :
This living heaTt, thil bn«flt yoii'Dg life,
Will be DO lcunger near them.
Two lights there weTe within the h011M,
Like angela 1'01JDd them IDO'riDg>
Oh I mast tb.a.e two be paned DOw,
So lovely and ao loving f

No longer ontlhe same soft couch
Their pleu&~lt ~be taking I
No longer by e1aeh other's amika
Be greeted ai~ their •&Jc!.or I
N o longer, by 1eaeh other's aide
Over one bo<1k be bendiag I
Take thrlut l4>ok, thy lut embn.ce,
Tbl.t Joy, tlwt life ia ending.
Heneeforth tho.n wm be all alone ;
WbAL ebalt tbon do
poor weeper t-
Oh, ht:1man lovt! I oh, llnman woe I
h there & pang yet deeper 1

.Ah I yea, the e:yee perceive no more;
The last tlear word ia apoken ;
The hand retn1118 no preaanre no"' ;
Heart, heart,. thou must be broken I

Can it live on ,Nitbout that love
For "'hicb ita pulee beat ever 1
.AIM that loving, trusting hearte
Must ache, And bleed, &ad aenr I

Child, cease thy murmuring ; God Ia by
To OIUeal that mortel prison.
'M.otberJ look up ; for, like our Lord,
Tby Dleii!Sd t~De ia risen :

Baise thy bo"''d bead, poor bl"'lial!d reed ;
Hope comee to.the belining.
FAther, be strong, be stron~ in faith;
The dead, the dead is livwg I
Even from out-ward thin~a draw peMe;
The Jon~ night-watch Ja ended ;
The monung sun upriaeth now
In new day·1~lory splendid.
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