A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

lbt !Jl!ing ~ou to t~e ilo.e 5loa'-Dm.

BIU'OB.B thy leaves thou comeet once more,
White bloBSom c.f the 11loe I
Thy leaves will co~:ne a.a heretofore ;
But thie poor heart, ita troublea o'er,
Will then lie lovr.

Sweet violets in tb.e budding grove,
Peep where the glad wavea run ;
Tbe wren below, t1he thrush above,
Qf bright to-mOrt'(J•W'a joy ar.d love
Sing to the sun.

Aud where the l'Of~&-leaf, ever bold,
Hears beea chant bywllll to God,
The breeze·bow'd palm, m0111'd o'er with gold,
Smiles on the well in summer col<l,
And daiaied sod.

Well 1 lay me by m.y brother'R side,
Wnea•e lnte we E1tood o.nd wept;
Fol' I waa strickcit when he died-
1 felt the a.rrow as• he aigh'd
His laat 1 and slept..

(~c ~'!ling iiJ!tr.

WIUT matten it., though apriog-time
Upon the eBl'th is glowing!
What, though a tho11aand tender ilowere
On the gerden beds are blowing 1

What ma.ttera it t hough pleaannt biroa
Among the lea.ves are singing;
And a myriad lives, each pa.eeing hour,
From motheM!e~rth e.re ap1ingi:ug I

Wh&t mattere it! For one bright fiower
Ia pale, before t'bem lyiDg;
.A.od one near life, one precioua life,
Ia number'd wit.b the dying.
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