A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
2J2 l'O&u.S 07 I'R&IWOK AliD l'..u'RlOTLSJl,

They could not quench the life thou hast. from heaven..
MereU~ power baa dug thy dungeon deep,
And llis a wart armouren. by a thouaand fires
Have forged thy chain; yet, while he deems .thee bount.l,
The .lin.k8 llre sbiver'd, and the prison walls
Fall outward ; terribly thou aprin.geat forth,
As spriugs the flame above a burning pile,
And shoute~t to the nations, who return
Thy shootings, while the tl&le OJ>preB&Or fties.

Thy birthright was not given by humau bands;
Thou wurt twin-llorn with man. In pleasant tiel Is,
While yet our race wa.s few, thon 81lt'st with him,
To tend the quiet fiock and watch .the stars,
And teach tbe reed to utter simple ainl.
Thou by his side amid the tangled wood,
Didat war upon the panther and the wolf,
His only foes; and thou with him wdat draw
The ea.l'liest furrows on the moun min side,
Soft with the deluge. Tyranny hil:naelf,
Thy enemy, although of reverend look,
Hoary with many years, and far ohey'd,
Is later born 'h:w thou ; and a.s he meeta
The grnve defi.auce of thine elder eye,
The usurper trembles .in bia fastnesau.

Thou shAlt wax atronger with the lapse o( yea.re,
But he shall fade into o. feebler age;
Feebler, yet subtler. He shall weave his sn:uoes,
And spring tlun.u on thy care leas steps, and clt• p
His w1ther'd hamls, anJ from their a.mlm.ah call
His hordes to fall upou thee. He shall send
Quaint maskers, wea.riug fair and gallant forma,
To catch thy gaze, and uttering graceful worda
To charm thy ear; while his sly imps by stealth
Twine round thee threa.~ of steel, light thread on tlt.r.:a.J.
That grow to fetters; or bind down thy arms
With chains couceal'd in cba.plet.s. Oh! notyljt
Mayst thou unbrace thy cor~let, nor lay by
Thy sword; nor yet, 0 Freedom I close thy lids
In slumber; for thine enemy never sleepa,
And thou must watch and combat till the day
Of the new earth 11-nd heavt!ll. ·But 1'fOU1Ust thou rest
A while from tumult aud the fru.ude of men,
Theae old OJ.Id friendly solitwle11 i.u\'ite

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