A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Thy viait. They, while yet the foreat-trel!a
W~ young upon the UD9iolated ea.ttb~
And yet the mOIMHit.aillJI on the rock were no.w,
Beheld thy gloriou. c¥!dbood, and rejoi~d..

cfrom ,, eb, .em §.catv af * !Jak.t af l!.cll~ ...

Wao ia he that cometh, like an honour~d 1n1est,
With banner and with muaic, with sOldier ana with priest,
With a nation weet>ing, and breaking on my rest 1
Mighty aea.man, tb11 ia be · :
Wae great by land aa thou by aeL
ThiJie island love& thee well, thou famous ma.n,
Tho greatest sailor since our world began.
Now, to the roll ofmufDed tlrums,
To thee the greateet aoldier comes ;
For thia ia he
Wae great by land ruJ thou by sea;
Hia martial wisdom kept us free;
0 warrior-searu3.D, tbia ia he,
This is England's greatest son,
Worthy of our gorgeous rites,
And worthr to be laid by thee ;
He that ga•n'd a huudtoed fights,
And never lost an Engliah gun ;
He that in hie earlier d11.y ·
Against the myriads of Assaye
Olash\1 with his fiery f'ew and won:
And underneath another sun
Made the aoldier, led him on,
And ever great and greater grew,
Bentinl{ from the wuted vines
All thetr mllnlhals' bandit SWAnUII
Back to France with countless blows ;
Till t.beu· h0o1t of eaglee llew
Past the Pyrenean pines,
Follow'd up in valley and glen
With blare of bugle, claw our of men,
RoU of can.oon aud claeh of arms,
And England pouring on hot• foes.
Such a war had such a clues.
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