A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

268 POlWS o:r :Jli.DDOM AlO.> P.A.'PIUO'fiBK.

Hail !-:-Rail! 0 sacred fol1IlJI, how proud you loolt I
How high you lilt your heads into the &Icy I
How huge you a.re I how mighty, and how Cree I
How do you look, for all your bared brows,
More gorgeot18ly ml\jeatieal than kings
Whoae loaded coronets exhauJit the mine I
Ye are the things thAt tower- thatshine--whoae smile
lhkea glad-whose fro'll'll is terribl&-whoee forme,
Robed o-r unrobed, do all the impreM wear
Of awe divin~wboae aubjeot never lmeela
In mockery, because it is your boaat
To keep him free! ye lfO&rda of liberty,
I'm with yov. onoe agam 1-1 call to you
With all my voice I I hold mi hands to you
To show they still are free 1 rnah to ,0¥
Aa though I could embra.oe rou!

Scaling yonder peak,
I Mw an eagle wheeling near ita brow.:
O'er the abyaa his broad expanded winga
Lay CAlm and moti<mlel!ll upon the air,
Aa if he floated there without their aid,
By the eole act of his unlorded will
That buoy'd him proudly up. Instinetinly
I strung my bow ; yet kept he rounding s1Ul
His airy circle, as in the delight
Of measuring the ample range beneath,
And round about, absorb'd he heeded not
The death that threaten'd him !-1 could not shoot l-
'Twu liberty: I turu'd the shaft &aide~
And let him soar away I

'~' l!abiot's l!au-fDMlt.

"MAn way for liberty I " he cried-
" Make way for liberty," and died!

In arms the Austrian phAlanx atood,
A lhing wall, a human wood;
Impregnable their front appean,
All horreot with projected spu.ra.
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