A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
For words are 1teiak aud ~ _, -k
Wbeo wauted fifty-fold,
And then( i! aile~ will not epnk:,
Or tremb ing lip aad cb.allging cheek,
There's nothiBg told..
Bat could ahe have reveal'd to him
Wbo qaestioo'd th-, the viaion brifbt
That ere hie words were eaid sn• dia
And vauiah'd from her aigb~
Eaay the anawer were to luiow,
And plain to underst&nd,-
'I'bat mwd aod memory both muat fail,
And life itself muat aln.cken sail,
And thought ita fuoctiona muat forego,
And fancy lose ita lateet glow,
Or ere that land
Could pictured be lea bright and fair
To her wboee home and heart are there I
That land the loveliest that eye MD aee
The atrauger ne'er(~) then bow abould abe l

'antd.ru ~~ .®U.

~u is a land, of &'f'ery lRnd the ptide,
Beloved b,r heaven o'er all the world beaide;

. Wbere br1ghtar anna dispense aerener light,
And milder moone emparadise the night;
A land of beauty, Yirlue, valour, truth,
Time-tutor'd age, and love--exalted youth:
The wnndering mariner, whose eye exploJU
The wealthien iele~~, the most enebantmg shores,
Vie we not a re&lm so bountiful and fair,
Nor breathes the spirit of a purer air :
In every clime the magnet of hie soul,
Toueb'd by re01embranoe, trembles to ~at pole;
For in tbi.e land of heann'a peculiar gra~;
The heritage of natuN'a n oblest raoe,
There ia a 1p0t of earth eupremely blest,
A dearer, &'Weeter spot than all the reatt
Where man, creation's tyrant, caata al!idt!
Hie sword and eceptTe, pngcantry and pride,
While in hia aot\en'd looks benignly blend
The sire, the son, the husband, brother, friend ;

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