A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

T.uE not of ~mplea I There ia one
Built without band-to mAnkind given ;
Ita lampe are the meridian au.n,
.Anrt all the stars of heann:
Ita walla are the cerulean aky,
Ite floor the earth eo gTeen and fair ;
The nome is va.at immensity-
AU nature worehipe there I

The Alpa array'd in atainleu mow,
The Andean t"&&lgea yet untrod,
At anlll'iR, and at auMet, glow,
Like altar-firu to God I
A thonaand fierce voleanoee blaze.
Ae if with hallow'..! victims rare;
And thunder lifte itt voice in p~­
AU DAtura wonbipe there I

The ocean heaves r eeiatleaaty,
And pours his glittering tre111ure forth ;
Bia wav-tbe prieathoo<l of the aer.-
Kneel on the abell-gemm'd eat·tb,
And there emit a hollow eound 1
Aa if ther murmur'd pnt.iae and prayer ;
On avery atde 'tia holy ground-
AU nature worehipe there I

The cedar aud the mountain ~ins,
The willow on the fountain a brim.,
Tho tulip and the eglantine
lD r81'erence bend to Him ;
The aong-birds pour their aweeteat IAJS,
From tower and tree and middle atr;
The rushing river murmurs prt.ite-
AJl nature worshipa there I

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