A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
POI':K$ O:r Ba.tGIOl'.

When the houee doth eigh nnd weep,
And tbe world is drown'd iu sleep,
Yet mine eyes the watch do keep,
Sweet Spirit comfort me 1

When, God knowtl, rm toet about,
Either wit.b despair or doubt;
Yet, before the glaee be out
Sweet Splrit comfort me I

'When the priest his laet hath pray'd,
And I nod to wbft.t is said
'Cause my sp~ech is now decny'd,
Sweet Spirit comfol't me I

When the jud~ent ia reveal'd,
And that open d which was seal'd .;
When ·to Thee I have appeal'd,
Sweet Spirit comfort me I

  • "TBOU, 0 8plrtt! l~.t dOlt prell>r
    llefo-re llll teRipleo, tbe a prtant heart an1! pu~
    tnatruat me. tor tbou knDWHt. • • • • • _..,
    WIIU In mel& 4 111'k lu.IJli.III&." MIJ.ro•.

WWlN doubts tormen't, 11nd fears assail. and all our path
is ds.rk as night_,
Witho11t a single star to cheer-Hear our prayer, 0 God,
for Ligbtt

\\'hen in earnest searcn of truth-triviag still to g&in
the right,
We stumble blindlf on our way,-0 G<>d of wisdom, grant
more Light

When weak and weary, sorrow laden,--cast around thy
arm of might I ·
When we fail t o troce, or trust Thee,-Heavenly Father,
Light, more Light!

\Vben those whom we love the deA'rellt, fade from before
our failing light,
k. the shadow of Deat.h'e presence, gl'&CiollS God, be Thou
· our Light! SuoaTD.

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