A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

And ground fresh-cloven by the plough
Is fragrant with a humbler vow;
Where birds and brooks from leafy dells
Chime forth unwearied canticles,
And vapours magnift and spread
The glory of the 8lln s bright head-
Still constant in her worship, still
Conforming to the etarnal Will,
Whether men sow or reap the fields,
Divine monition Nature yields,
That not by bread alone 'ive live,
Or what a hand of fiesh can give;
That every day should leave some part
Free for & s&bbath of the heart :
So shall the seventh be truly blest,
From morn to eve, with h:illow'd rest.



'~~ l{insfu.
THE Minster is a marble psalm,
Where Druid oak and Syrian palm
Lift the grain'd roof, and seem to wave
O'er &isle and chancel, crypt and grave.
The church of God in man below
Methinks should like the minster grow;
All Truths H is threefold voice inspires
Should build ita buttresses and spire& ;
Each holy deed that memory sings
Should gleam with cherub face and wings
O'er the high altar's mystic shrine,
And love make all the place divine.

~~ tJJ t~t Jol!! ~pirit.

IlJ the hour of my distress,
Wbt)n temptations me oppress,
And when I my sins confeas,
Sweet Spirit comfort me I
When I lie withlu my bed,
Sick in heart, and sic"k in head,
A.nd with doubts diBCOmforted,
Sweet Spirit comfort me I
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