A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Ob, who would bear life'" stormy doom,
Did not thy Wing of Love
Come, brightly wafting through the gloom,
One Peace-branch from abo•e t
Then sorrow, toucb'd by Thee, gro11r11 bright
With more th11n rapture'• ray;
Aa d&rkneu ahowe ue worlda of light
We never anw by day I



lkt Dnl!l abcqzrait iu~orl fat tbc (alnlifut af JiCt.

On adequate Rpport
For the eala.mitiu of mortal life
Exiate-one only ; &n uaured belief
That the proce88ion of our fate, howe'u
Sad or dieturb'd, ie order'd by a Being
or infinite bennolenee and power.
Whoae everlasting purposes embraee
All accidents, converting them to good.
The darta ofanguiabfi.r not where the ~eat
Ofenlf'ering hath been thoroughly fortified
By acquiescence in the Will supreme
For time and for eternity ; by faith,
Faith absolute in God, including hope,
And the defenoe that ties in boundleaalove
Of hie pe1-fectiona; with habitual dread
Of an~bt unworthily conoei•ed, endured
Impatiently, ill done, or left undone,
To the dishonour of hie holy JWDe.
Soul of our eoula, and aafeguard of the world f
Sustain, thou only canst, the sick of hea.rt;
Restore t.heir languid apirita, a..ud reeall
Their loet aft"eotione unto thee a..ud thine I

Sn.u: low to me, my Saviour, l ow and sweet
From out the hallelujahs, sweet and low,
Lest I should feal' and fal1 1 a..ud miea thee eo,
Who art not mlee'd by nny that entreat.
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