!lwALt.Ow, awallow, hither wing,
Bither, swallow, bringing spring;
From the lAke bath gone the teal,
Y,ed the widgeon from the ~am,
Now no more oar bumin!f woods
Hear the swooping merlin s ~~eream;
Come, thoo d.awu ohnmmer, come,
HiUJer leAves and shadows bringing,
:Bladed forTOW&-nested eaves,-
S"Weeteet songs the Sooth is singing ;
Bringing viofete---briugin~ spring,
Hither, swallow, hither W1ng.
Swallow, awallow, hither wing,
Deareat playmate of the spring ;
Come-the celandine no more
Dread a the gusty wro.th of MaTCb,-
Golden to.asell'd ia the birch,-
Emerald fringes hath the luch ;-
Come, thou new a of aummel" come,
Trilla nud hedge-r ow twittet~ngs bringing,
Quivering mountings of the larl!,-
Bbrilleat songe the ouRel'a singing;
Snowing orchard~ tlight of spring,
Hither, awallow, !lither wing.
Jprircg :Jtaming.
SW'Df la the breath of Morn, her rising sweet,
With ohann of earlloet bird. ; plea.aant the aUD 1
When .6ret on thla delightful land he apreada
Hie orient beama on herb, tree, fruit, and flower,
Glistering with dew; fragrant the earth
Aner aoft ahowere 1 and aweet the ooming on
Of grateful Enning mUd : thon aileut Night,
With thia her eolemn bird, and t-his fair mooD,
A .ud t.heee t.be gema of htuen, her ~tarry train.