David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

listen. Their instructions were to get
tough and be seen to get tough with thugs
and gunmen. The priest turned back
toward the crowd. As he did, the
soldiers fired off another round of tear
gas. The canisters fell at the feet of the
priest, and he staggered across the street,
leaning on a windowsill as he gasped
for air. In a neighborhood so devout that
four hundred people would show up for
mass on a typical weekday, the British
Army gassed the priest.
That was when the riot started.
Freeland called in reinforcements. To
subdue a community of eight thousand
people—packed into tiny houses along
narrow streets—the British brought in
three thousand troops. And not just any

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