
(Michael S) #1


For quite a long time a reference book has been needed which would provide
the reader with adequate information, both theoretical and practical, on the chem-
istry and technology of explosives. The objectives of the present book are to
fill this gap in the chemical literature.
The first edition appeared in Warsaw in Polish in 1953-54. The second, in
Czech, was printed in Prague in 1958-59. The third, in German, is being printed
in Leipzig. The present fourth edition is a considerably revised and expanded ver-
sion of the earlier ones.
The chemical, physical and physico-chemical properties of explosives are dealt
with, and processes of manufacture are described whenever the substance in
question is of practical importance.
The basis of all practical knowledge is in the underlying theory. The scientist

working on technological problems in industry should never forget that science,

however applied, remains a natural philosophy. This is why particular attention

is paid here to the chemical and physico-chemical properties of the substances

described in the book, and the author has endeavoured to bring this information

up to date, hoping that the wide scope of this information will not obscure the

main subject, but will help, instead, to avoid narrow specialization which creates

the danger of not seeing the wood for the trees.

It is also hoped that in widening the scope of the book, it might become

useful not only to students and experts on explosives, but also to all who are

interested in the chemistry of such substances as nitro compounds, nitramines,

nitric esters, nitric salts, azides etc. that may serve as intermediates for organic


As far as processes of manufacture of explosives are concerned, information

is obviously restricted, as the exact details are seldom available. However, certain
obsolete methods of manufacture are described in detail. They have been included

in order to give some idea of the way such processes have developed on the basis

of years of experience. This may be of some value, for the manufacture of explo-

sives is bound to be dangerous and any method, even an obsolete one, may suggest
how risks can be avoided or diminished and the kinds of precaution that can be


However, it has been possible to include in the book details of a number of

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