Industrial methods of nitration of toluene,
Infra-red spectra - see Spectra, infra-red
Inhibiting effect, 214
Ionic structure,
of nitromethane, 184
p- nitrotoluene, 184
Isobomeol nitrate, 59, 60
Isomeric dinitrotoluenes, ultra-violet spectra
of, 169
Isomers of trinitrotoluene, 192
“Isopicric acid”, 524
“Isopurpuric acid”, 492
Isotope dilution analysis, 449
Janovsky reaction, 207, 208, 211, 239, 284
Ketone group replacement by a nitro group,
Kinetics of nitration of dinitrotoluene to
trinitrotoluene, 312
Köffler-Bachman process, 22
Köln-Rottweil, factory, 597 (601)
Krümmel, factory, 358
Ksilil, 396
Ksylit, 396
Labelled element, 38
Leverkusen I. G., 233, 456
nitration of naphthalene to mononitro-
derivatives, 438
Lewis acid, 212
Lithium nitrate, 46
Ludwigshafen I. G. 430, 564
nitration of naphthalene to dinitroderi-
vatives, 442
Maizuru Works, 547, 566
Manchester, factory, 530
Manganese catalyst, 115
of o- chloronitrobenzene, 456
p- chloronitrobenzene, 456
2,2’,4,4’,6,6’-hexanitrodiphenylamine, 565
trinitroanisole, 547
trinitro-m-cresol, 533
Marcussen’s method, 581
Meister, Lucius and Brüning in Hochst (com-
pany), 365, 366 (393)
Menthene, nitro derivatives, of 59
Mercuric nitrate, 110-l 15
Mercury-aromatic compound, 112
Mercury catalyst, 115
Metabolism, of trinitrobenzene, 325
Metal nitrates, 46, 47
Methoxynitrobenzonitrile, 237
Methyl acetanilide, nitration of, 85
2-Methyl-1-nitronaphthalene, 446
bis-Methylsulphonylnitromethane, 194
“Methyltetryl”, 389
Mixing, 150, 152
MNT, 269
Molecular orbital, 71, 167, 422
Monodeuterobenzene, nitration of, 38
Mononitro derivatives,
of chlorobenzene, 458
cresols, 276
ethylbenzene, 414
mesitylene, 413
toluene, 64
o- xylene, 402
p- xylene, 402
Mononitrododecanes, 87
isomers, 426
manufacture of, 438
nitration of, to dinitro, 443
nitration of, to trinitro, 445
Mononitrophenol, 114, 474
Mononitroquinoline, 94
Mononitrosalicylic acids, 119
Mononitrotoluene, 268, 348, 354, 356, 357
chemical properties of, 269
heat of combustion of, 269
heat of formation of, 269
preparation of, 271
separation of, 276
thermochemical properties of, 269
toxicity of, 270
Monosubstituted benzene, nitration products
of, 64
Münster University, 591
mononitro isomers of, 426
nitration of, 85, 92, 93, 438, 442
side reactions in nitration of, 74, 76
Naphthite, 434
Neuville-sur-Saône, factory. 392