PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

gastrointestinal tract. Tobacco is a stimulant to the respira-
tory and central nervous system.

Unproven Uses: Nicotine is used to help break the smoking

Apache Indians use the drug to treat toothache, mosquito
bites and bee stings. In Brazil and Guyana, Tobacco is used
for worm infestation, skin parasites and biliary flow distur-
bances. The drug's use in these conditions is not advised
because of the risk of toxicity.

Indian Medicine: Tobacco is used for toothache, dental
caries, earache, suppurating rhinitis, hernias, and painful

Homeopathic Uses: Tobacco is used for angina pectoris, low-
blood pressure and vomiting with diarrhea.

Tobacco leaves are severely poisonous. The chief toxin is
nicotine, a liquid alkaloid, that can be resorbed through the

The lethal dosage for nicotine for an adult is 40 to 100 mg,
although this can be considerably elevated through habitua-
tion (with smoking Tobacco, 2 to 7 g of the drug; one
cigarette contains 10 mg nicotine, of which I to 2 mg are
inhaled during smoking). Symptoms of an acute poisoning
include dizziness, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, trembling
of the hands and feelings of weakness in the legs; very high
dosages can lead rapidly to spasms, unconsciousness, cardiac
arrest and respiratory failure. Poisonings occur in particular
through the ingestion of cigarettes by children, the handling
of insecticides containing nicotine (through skin contact) and
in connection with the harvesting of Tobacco (also through
cutaneous resorption). Nicotine patches also represent a
danger for children.

Following gastric lavage with burgundy-colored potassium
permanganate solution, instillation of activated charcoal and
sodium sulphate solution, the therapy for poisonings consists
of treating spasms with diazepam (i.vl), chloral hydrate for
children (rectal); cardiac massage; administration of orcipre-
naline; and atropine for severe sympathetic excitation.
Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be necessary. No
centrally effective analeptics are to be given.

Mode of Administration: The nicotine alkaloid is used
internally as a gum and externally as a transdermal patch.

Preparation: Nicorette (chewing gum); also as transdermal

Daily Dosage: Nicotine as a pure alkaloid in smoker's
remedies; nicotine (2 to 4 mg) bound by polacrilin (8 to 16
mg). Nicorette is an ion exchanger and therefore causes the
slow release of nicotine, which is absorbed in the saliva over
and over again. Eventually, the doses are reduced as the
breaking of the habit progresses.

Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every
30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic);
parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc, acute: 3 times daily: chronic: once
a day (HAB1).

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