PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Valerian root (Houghton, 1998; Santos et al, 1994.) One
other mechanism that may contribute to the sedative
properties of Valerian could be the high levels of glutamine
present in the extract Unlike GABA, glutamine more
effectively crosses the blood-brain barrier where it can be
taken up by the nerve terminals and converted to GABA
(Santos. Fero, 1994.)
Improvements in sleep quality ratings were demonstrated in
a well constructed, randomized, placebo-controlled, multi-
center study involving 121 patients. Subjects were given
either 600 mg of a 70% ethanol extract (5:1, n = 61) of
Valerian root that was standardized to 0.4 - 0.6% valerenic
acid or placebo (n = 60) one hour before bedtime for 28
consecutive nights. Patients were given two standardized
sleep questionaires; one that measured the depression/mood
scale and another global clinical impression scale. Sixty-six
percent of the Valerian treatment arm rated the therapeutic
effect as either good or very good at the end of the 28 day
trial. This compared to only a 29% equally positive rating by
the placebo participants. (Vorbach, 1996).

Approved by Commission E:

  • Nervousness and insomnia
    Unproven Uses: Valerian is used for restlessness, sleeping
    disorders based on nervous conditions, mental strain, lack of
    concentration, excitability, stress, headache, neurasthenia,
    epilepsy, hysteria, nervous cardiopathy, menstrual states of
    agitation, pregnancy, menopause, neuralgia, fainting, ner-
    vous stomach cramps, colic, uterine spasticity and states of
    General: No health hazards are known in conjunction with
    the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages.
    Gastrointestinal complaints can occur in rare cases, contact
    allergies in very rare ones.

With long-term administration, the following can occasional-
ly appear: headache, restless states, sleeplessness, mydriasis,
disorders of cardiac function.
When large skin injuries or acute skin illnesses, severe
feverish or infectious diseases, cardiac insufficiency or
hypertonia are present, entire-body baths with the addition of
the volatile oil or of extracts from the drug should be
Drug Interactions: Valerian may potentiate the effect of
other CNS depressants. Animal studies have shown that
Valerian has an additive effect when used in combination
with barbiturates and benzodiazepines (Leuschner, 1993;
Hiller, 1996.) Though there has been no evidence of

potentiation of the CNS depressive effect when combined
with alcohol, it is not recommended that Valerian be used in
conjunction with alcohol. Because of the sedative effect of
Valerian, operation of machinery or motor vehicles should
be avoided for several hours after injesting Valerian

Pregnancy: Use of Valerian during pregnancy or in nursing
mothers is not recommended.
Mode of Administration: Valerian is used internally as
expressed juice from fresh plants, tincture, extracts, and
other galenic preparations. Externally, it is used as a bath
additive, though efficacy is Unproven for this indication.
How Supplied:
Capsules — 100 mg. 250 mg, 380 mg, 400 mg, 445 mg, 450
g, 475 mg, 493 mg. 495 mg, 500 mg, 530 mg, 550 mg, 1000
Liquid — 1:1
Tablets — 160 mg. 550 mg
Tea Bags
Preparation: To prepare an infusion, use 2 to 3 g of drug per
cup. A tea is prepared by adding 1 teaspoonful (3 to 5 g) of
drug to 150 ml of hot water and strain after 10 to 15 minutes.
An extract is prepared by mixing 2 parts root powder to 6
parts spirit of wine and 9 parts water. For external use, 100 g
of comminuted drug is mixed with 2 liters hot water; this is
then added to the bath.
Daily Dosage: The daily dose of Valerian extract is 100 mg
to 3800 mg. Total internal daily dose is 15 g of root powder.
Infusion — One cup one to several times per day
Tea — One cup (150 ml) 2 to 3 times daily and before
Tincture — 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful (1 to 3 ml) one to several
times per day.

Tincture (1:5) — several times daily 15 to 20 drops in water.
Extract — equivalent 2 to 3 g drug, one to several times per
Plant juice — Adults take 1 tablespoonful 3 times daily.
Children take 1 teaspoonful 3 times daily.
External use — As a bath according to preparation instruc-
tions above.
Sleep Aid — 400 mg to 900 mg of the extract 30 minutes
before bedtime
Restlessness — 220 mg extract three times daily
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