PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1
globule A small round pill of compressed sucrose that has
been saturated with an alcoholic tincture of a specified
homeopathic dilution (commonly 1:100).

HAB 1 Homoopathisches Arzneibuch, l.Ed. (1978), 1.-4.
Suppl. (1985), Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart,
Govi-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main.

HAB 34 Homoopathisches Arzneibuch (1934), Verlag Dr.
Willmar Schwabe, Berlin Helv V Pharmacopoea
Helvetica V (1933) +Suppl.

hastate Plant leaves with a triangular shape with the base
coming together on each side into an acute lobe.

Helv VI Pharmacopoea Helvetica VI (1971) + Suppl.,
Eidgenossische Drucksachen- und Materialzentrale, Bern.

Helv VII Pharmacopoea Helvetica VII (1987), Eidgenossische
Drucksachen- und Materialzentrale, Bern.

hilum The scar on a seed which indicates its point of

Hisp IX Farmacopea Oficial Espanola IX (1954).

homeopathic Substances that are administered in minute
amounts with the theory that substances that may cause or
mimic a disease in larger amounts can be used to treat or
prevent disease if given in small amounts.

HPUS 78 Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States
Vin (1978) mit Supplement A (1982).

HPUS 88 Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the
United States/Revision Service (1988).

Hung VII Lang B (Eds.) (1986) Pharmacopea Hungarica VII,
Akademiai kiado, Budapest.

imbricate Overlapping flower petals; as in the bud.

indehiscent A fruit or grain that doesn't open spontaneously
when ripe.

IndP 66 Ministry of Health (1966), Pharmacopoeia of India U,
The manager of publications, Delhi.

IndP 85 Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (1985),
Pharmacopoeia of India III, Publications & Information
Directorate (CSER), New Dehli.

IndPC 53 Mukerji B (1953), The Indian Pharmaceutical
Codex, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Dehli.

induration The process of hardening.

inflorescence The mode of disposition of flowers or the act
of flowering. The spatial arrangement of flowers along the axis.

infusion The process of steeping or soaking plant matter in a
liquid to extract its medicinal properties without boiling.

involucre A ring or rosette of bracts that surround the base of
a flower cluster.

Ital 6 Farmacopea Ufficiale del Regno dTtalia VI (1940),
Istituto poligrafico dello stato, Rom.

Ital 7 Farmacopea Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana VII
(1965), Istituto poligrafico dello stato P.V., Rom.

Ital 8 Farmacopea Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana VIII
(1972), Vols. 1-3, Istituto poligrafico dello stato P.F., Rom.

Ital 9 Farmacopea Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiane IX
(1985), Instituto poligrafico e zecca dello stato, Rom.

Jap XI The Pharmacopeia of Japan 11th Edition (1986),
The Society of Japanese Pharmacopoeia, Jakuji Nippo, Ltd.,

Jug IV Pharmacopoea Jugoslavia IV (1984).

KomE Kommission E Monogr. d. BfArM
(ehem. Bundesgesundheitsamt - Fed. Health Agency) publ.
in Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) Mar 28.

labiate A lip-like part of a plant; like a calyx or corolla.

lanceolate Lance-like or spear shaped; often referring to a
long, tapering leaf.

lignum Woody tissue.

maceration The softening of a solid preparation by soaking
in a liquid.

meteorism The presence of gas in the intestine or stomach.

monoecious Having stamens and pistils in separate blossoms
on the same plant.

mucilage 1. A viscid substance in a plant consisting of a gum
dissolved in the juice of the plant. 2. A soothing application
made from plant gums.
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