PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1
rhizome An underground stem.

roborant A tonic or substance that gives strength.

Rom IX Farmacopeea Romana, Editia A, IX-A (1976),
Editura medicala.

Ross 10 Gosudarstvviennaja Farmakopoea X SSSR,
National Pharmakopoea Nr. 10 der UdSSR.

Ross 9 Gosudarstwiennaja Farmakopoea IX SSSR,
National Pharmakopoea Nr. 9 der UdSSR.

runners A plant that spreads or forms by means of runners.

scape A flower stalk or peduncle arising from the surface or
below the ground.

SChizocarp A dry fruit that splits at maturity into several
one-seeded carpels.

scrofulous Having an ulcerous or diseased appearance on the

secretagogue An agent that promotes secretion.

secretolytic To inhibit or dry secretions.

semen A seed or seed-like fruit.

sepal One of the modified leaves comprising a calyx; usually
positioned outside and surrounding the carpels.

serrate Having notched, teeth-like protrusions along the
margin of a leaf that point toward the apex.

sessile Attached directly to the base of a main stem or branch
without the aid of an intervening stalk.

stamen The organ of the flower that comprises the anther and
filament and gives rise to the male gamete.

stipule A stalk.

stomachic An agent that promotes digestion and improves

subshrub A perennial plant which has woody stems with the
exception of the terminal portion of new growth, which drops
off annually.

sudorific Causing or inducing sweat.

tendril The portion of a stem, leaf, or stipule that modified ini
a slender, spiral-shaped, touch-sensitive specialized appendag
which acts as an anchor to aid in the plants ability to climb.

tepal Any of the modified leaves that combine to make up the tf

testa The hard outer coating of a seed: the exocarp.

tincture An alcoholic or hydroalcoholic mixture prepared
from plant parts.

tomentose Covered with densely matted hairs.

tonic A medication used to fortify and provide increased vigor

turiones A shoot or sprout which develops from a bud on a
subterranean rootstock.

umbel Numerous flower stalks arising from the same point at
the apex of the main stalk and terminating at equal distance
from the joining point.

undulate A wavy formation at the margin of a leaf, or bendin
in a gradual curve.

USP 23-NF 18 United States Pharmacopeial Convention
(1995), The United States Pharmacopeia USP 23-NF 18 +
Suppl. 1-7.

USP XIX United States Pharmacopeial Convention (1975),
The United States Pharmacopeia USP XLX.

USP XX United States Pharmacopeial Convention (1980),
The United States.

USP XXI United States Pharmacopeial Convention (1985),
The United States Pharmacopeia USP XXI-NF XVI.

USPXXII United States Pharmacopeial Convention (1989), ^
The United States Pharmacopeia USP XXH-NF XVII.

villous Having long, soft hairs.

vulnery A preparation applied externally.

wineglassful A measure equal to four fluidounces.
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