PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Suzuki N, Tania S, Furusawa S, Furusawa E, Therapeutic
activity of narcissus alkaloids on Rauscher leukemia: Antiviral
affect in vitro and rational drug combination in vivo. In: Proc
Soc Expl Biol Med 145:771-777. 1974.
Tojo E, (+)-Narcidine, a new alkaloid from Narcissus
pseudonarcissus. In: JNP 54: 1387. 1991.
Further information in:
Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur
Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlags-
Ges. Stuttgart 1997.
Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed
Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988.
Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.): Hagers Handbuch der
Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl.. Bde. 1-8, Springer Verlag
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1969.
Lewin L, Gifte und Vergiftungen. 6. Aufl.. Nachdruck, Haug
Verlag, Heidelberg 1992.
Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3,
Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.
Roth L, Daunderer M, Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte,

  1. Aufl., Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993.
    Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie,
    Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994.


Turnera diffusa
Damiana Leaves (from various manufacturers), Wild Coun-
tryside Damiana Leaves
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the leaves harvest-
ed during the flowering season.
Flower and Fruit: The flowers are yellow, solitary and
axillary. The fruit is a small, globular, many-seeded capsule,
which breaks up into 3 parts. It is aromatic and resinous.
Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a small shrub that grows
up to 60 cm high. The leaves are 1 to 2.5 cm long and up to 6
mm wide. They are smooth and pale green on the upper
surface and glabrous with a few scattered hairs on the ribs
underneath. The leaves are ovate-lanceolate, short-petioled
and have 2 glands at the base. They have a few serrate teeth
and recurved margins.

Habitat: The plant is found mainly in the region of the Gulf
of Mexico, the Caribbean and southern Africa.
Production: Damiana leaf consists of the leaf of Turnera
diffusa and its variations. Damiana herb consists of the herb
of Turnera diffusa and its variations.

Volatile oil (0.5-0.9%): chief components 1,8-cineole, alpha-
and beta-pinene, p-cymene, as well as thymol, alpha-copene,
gamma-cadinene, calamene

Tannins (4%)

Resins (7%)

Hydroquinone glycosides: arbutin (0.2-0.7%)

Cyanogenic glycosides: tetraphylline B (barterin)

No information is available.

Unproven Uses: Damiana preparations are used as an
aphrodisiac and for prophylaxis and treatment of sexual

No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic

How Supplied:

Capsules — 380 mg, 384 mg, 395 mg, 450 mg

Fluid Extract — 1:1

Auterhoff H, Haufel HP, (1968) Arch Pharm 301:537.
Dominguez XA, Hinojosa M, (1976) Planta Med 30:68.
Hegnauer R, Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen, Bde 1-11:
Birkhauser Verlag Basel, Boston, Berlin 1962-1997.
Hoppe HA, (1975-1987) Drogenkunde, 8. Aufl., Bde 1-3: W de
Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York.
Jin J, (1966) Lloydia 29(3):250.
Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der
Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969.
Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3,
Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.
Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer
Verlag Heidelberg 1992.

Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und
pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New
York 1995.
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