PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol (0.4%), campe-

The lignan sesamine contained in the drug is immunosup-
pressive in vitro. In view of its oily nature, use as a clysma
for softening the stool and topically on dry skin diseases is
plausible. Its effect as a purgative seems logical but has not
been clinically proven. Sesame oil treated with lipase is
cytotoxic in vitro. Because of its high levels of linoleic acid,
sesame oil is a valuable dietetic.

Unproven Uses: Folk medicine internal uses include treating
constipation, especially dyschezia; external uses include
removal of scabs and crust formations, for swellings,
rheumatism and as a massage oil. Its use as a laxative is
considered obsolete.
No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug
possesses a limited potential for sensitization.
Mode of Administration: Preparations are available for
internal and external use.
Preparation: Sesame oil for parenteral application is pro-
duced from Sesamum orientale by heating in a drying
chamber to 140°C or by means of germ filtration with the
addition of 5% benzyl alcohol followed by heating at 120° C
for 1 hour in the drying chamber.
Storage: Store in tightly sealed containers and protect from

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