Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Galen AD–

Roman physician

Surgery is the unceasing movement of steady,
experienced hands.
Definitiones medicaeXXXV

I am of the opinion that the kidneys too are
affected in the rare disease which some people call
chamber pot dropsy, others again diabetes (‘the
siphon’) or violent thirst.
Quoted by Folke Henschen in Medical History ,
Wellcome Historical LibraryXIII, No. : 

That physician will hardly be thought very careful
of the health of others who neglects his own.
Of Protecting the HealthBk 

Most physicians are like athletes who aspire to
victory in the Olympic Games without doing
anything to deserve it; for they praise Hippocrates
as first in the art of healing but make no attempt
to resemble him.
Medicus Philosophus

Confidence and hope to do more good than physic.

All who drink of this remedy recover in a short
time, except those whom it does not help, who all
die. Therefore, it is obvious that it fails only in
incurable cases.

Employment is nature’s physician, and is essential
to human happiness.

We must be daring and search after Truth; even if
we do not succeed in finding her, we shall at least
come closer than we are at present.

Sir Francis Galton –

British scientist and explorer

The conditions that direct the order of the whole
of the living world around us, are marked by their
persistence in improving the birthright of
successive generations.
Inquiries Into Human Faculty and Its Development‘The
Observed Order of Events’

Mahatma Gandhi –

Indian Congress leader

I eat to live, to serve, and also, if it so happens, to
enjoy, but I do not eat for the sake of enjoyment.

James A. Garfield –

US President

Suicide is not a remedy.
Inaugural address, March ()

Fielding H. Garrison –

US physician and medical historian, New York

The future of American medical education is, like
all other higher developments, simply in the hands

of the only aristocracy we strive for—the
aristocracy of an enlightened public opinion.
Introduction to the History of Medicine(nd edn), Ch. 
The history of medicine is, in fact, the history of
humanity itself, with its up and downs, its brave
aspirations after truth and finality, its pathetic
Introduction to the History of Medicine, nd edn., Preface

Sir Samuel Garth –

English physician and poet
The patient’s ears remorseless he assails;
Murder with jargon where his medicine fails.
The Dispensary
Dear gentlemen, let me die a natural death.
Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable(centenary edition),
revised by Ivor Evans ()

John Gay –

English dramatist
Is there no hope? the sick Man said.
The silent doctor shook his head,
And took his leave, with signs of sorrow,
Despairing of his fee tomorrow.
Fables(Series ), Fable 

Sir Auckland Geddes –

British surgeon and politician
So many come to the sickroom thinking of
themselves as men of science fighting disease and
not as healers with a little knowledge helping
nature to get a sick man well.
The Practitioner

General Medical Council, UK

Patients must be able to trust doctors with their
lives and well-being. To justify that trust, we as a
profession have a duty to maintain a good
standard of practice and care and to show respect
for human life.
GMC Good Medical PracticeLondon, UK ()
Doctors must keep their knowledge and skills
up-to-date throughout their working lives.
Doctors should take part regularly in educational
activities which develop their competence. In
addition, they should respond constructively to
appraisals of their competence and performance.
GMC Good Medical PracticeLondon, UK (), pp. –,
paragraphs –

M. C. Geokas ?–

US physician
A ten minute surgical discussion of acute
pancreatitis should probably include nine minutes
of silence.
Internal Medicine: –()

William H. George –

US chemical engineer and businessman
Scientific research is not itself a science; it is still
an art or craft.
The Scientist in ActionCh. 

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