(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The Education of a Non-Believer-The Final Phase 141

again, because I knew when we got back to Acaya I had to
make a decision, one that could change my life com­
pletely. There I was, scared out of my wits. But I'd given
her my word that I would try it, and try it I would.
It was an hour's drive back to Acaya, and as usual,
Rama used the time for instruction. She had been right
when she'd said I would begin to look forward to our
mind-bending conversations.
This time, she started preparing me for my first out of
body trip. She began by explaining that light, which is
the origin of life, is also the reason there is life on the
Sun. In this case, she said, light is not color, but an
electrical frequency linking the physical body and the
spirit. For the purpose of taking my spirit out of my
body, she asked me to think of the light that connects the
body to the soul as the silver cord. She emphasized the
importance of finding this silver cord.
"This is the first step," she said. "To find the silver
cord in the light you have to be at peace, you have to be
vibrating at the right frequency. To find it, you look
straight into a point of light-it could be the light of a
candle, the reflection of some object reflecting sunlight,
a sunset, a light in the distance-any light will do. Once
the brightest point has been found, you go into a semi­
trance, seeing this light coming directly into your eye. By
squinting your eyes, you can make it larger, thinner, or
stronger. Between point A, your eyes, and point B, the
sharpest point of light, you'll see rays coming towards
you. They may be thick, they may be thin, they will even
be broken in the middle. That interval is the distance
between the sun and your eye, the distance between
your eyes and a candle, which has slipped into darkness
about twenty feet away from you. Between the two
points is an atmosphere. The spirit is flexible, it can
travel twenty feet, or it can travel between the sun and
your eye, many times faster than the speed of light."

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