(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The Education of a Believer 179

"Something like that."
"So the actual beginning of this era, from the going
away of Hercolubus to the coming back to Hercolubus, is
about 6,666 years. Correct?"
"That's it."
"And we're about to complete another cycle of 6,666
years by the year 2001.
"What about this final judgment, when is that going to
take place?"
"The final judgment started about ten to fifteen years
"The final judgment has already started?" I asked kind
of surprised.
"I know this is going to sound shocking and ridiculous
to you, but only because this information is new to you.
What we're doing now is preparing the ground.
"I just want you to know that this celestial body of
great volume exists. It's a scientific fact that your world
is losing speed of rotation on its axis. That means the
days are getting longer. Before the turn of the century,
scientists discovered this change of about one second per
century. Around 1900, they revised those computations,
and they discovered, to their surprise, that this loss in
speed is, in fact, at least one second per year. By now, I
would say there's about a minute's difference from the
last century.
This is one of the reasons the earth is accumulating
excessive weight on its poles. The press recently an­
nounced that the terrestrial axis is suffering a sort of
deviation and that's the cause of the atmospheric prob­
lems that have been apparent since 1950 or thereabouts.
Remember those big earthquakes? I guess you were too
young to remember that, and probably weren't very
We've been studying all these phenomena in a very
scientific way. As far as your planet is concerned, the

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