(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Chapter XI
The Antichrist

Sunday morning we got out of bed a little before noon.
We'd been up rather late the night before. The Sunday
fair in Huancayo was on again, and Rama suggested I
browse around for a while if I wanted to, as she had
something to attend to.
We checked out of the hotel and agreed to meet there
later so we could drive to Acaya together. By two o'clock,
we were on our way, observing some very beautiful
scenery; small villages, natural gardens, orchards with
trees in full bloom, and a river winding through the
valley. It was so peaceful that we both felt the urge to get
out of the car and become part of that magnificent
We got off the main road and drove along for a couple
of minutes until we found a spot with lots of grass and
trees near the water. The sun was shining on the river in
such a way that it seemed like a gigantic serpent, curving
over the immense valley.
Once we were comfortable in our own little piece of
paradise, Rama announced that we would be talking
about the antichrist and that I would have to start using
my imagination to put things together. She asked me if I
were relaxed enough to learn. I said I was.
She began by asking me if I had read the books of
Daniel and Revelation and the 24th chapter of Matthew.
"I did," I answered, "but with my limited knowledge, I
couldn't understand it."
"That's okay. I imagine some of the things you read
have remained with you."
"Yes, dreams, prophecies, lots of talk about the
everlasting God, magicians, sorcerers and astrologers. I
imagine the angels in Daniel were also ufonauts."

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