(やまだぃちぅ) #1
The Fo urth Dimension 289

Follow the sunset just as you follow it when you go into
that self trance that precedes astral projection."
It was a great relief knowing Rama was with me. If I
needed help getting back into my body, she was there. I
heard her voice again, saying, "I want you to be aware
that your eyes in your physical body are open, and when
you get back to it, you'll be staring at the sun. Start
moving your body little by little."
I don't know how long I'd been back in my body when I
became aware of Rama removing the galena stones from
my fingers.
It was ten minutes after four in the afternoon. We had
started at about ten or eleven that morning. I was
exhausted and hungry, but eager to know what had
happened to me that day.
"Wow, Rama, that was some experience."
"You got a little touch of the Fourth Dimension,
"The music was incredible. Like the universe's version
of quadraphonic sound."
"Your whole being was in tune with the electro­
magnetic waves of the radio and television broadcast­
"I went around the earth several times."
"You were tuned in to the weather satellites, with the
magnetic waves out in space. Your consciousness was
perceiving the same thing as the television cameras
inside those satellites.
"It was the same principle in operation as when you
saw the magazine at the office."
"I felt like I was out there."
"You were out there. While I stayed here with your
physical body the whole day, watching over you. Wasn't
that good of me?"
"Thanks, Rama. You keep handing me the most
beautiful experiences of my life."

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