(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Science Fiction or Science Fact? 59

to her words. My thoughts were focused on her beauty,
her aliveness. I was turned on by her. I was about to say
something designed to turn her on when I suddenly
remembered her ability to read minds. I tried to bring my
concentration back to the subject at hand. But it was too
late. She already picked up my vibes.
"See what I mean?" she said, exasperated. "How easily
you allow yourself to be distracted. Suppose we were in
the middle of getting a point across about a complex
concept, this gets us away from the subject, we lose our
trend of thought. The same thing happens when you
make fun of me. The fact is, I'm from another world. You
must accept that."
"I'm sorry, Rama," I said.
"I'm not going to put any pressure on you. And I
couldn't care less whether you believe me or not. But at
least give me the chance to have an intelligent conversa­
tion with you, okay, Chacho?
"I won't play tricks on you. I'm not going to hypnotize
you or experiment with you. I want you to be completely
conscious, relaxed and aware. I'm not going to drug you,
either. The things you're going to hear will be so
interesting to you that they will raise even more
questions. The more intelligent and challenging your
questions are, the more interest I will take in giving you
straight answers. I realize I'm talking to an earthling of
average intelligence, with little more than basic religious
and general education. If there's anything I say that
seems too far-fetched for you to believe, make a note of
it and, at your own convenience, check it against the
scientific, religious or university studies of Y.Ourchoice."

Her chastising remarks had an effect. I said, "Okay,
Rama, fair enough. 111 try not to distract you with any
more of my smartass remarks. And I'll even try to watch
what I think since you've more than proven your ability

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