(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Science Fiction or Science Fact? 61

this part of the Andes Mountains wa s something like the
Utopia we all dream about. A peaceful, beautiful serenity
permeated the whole place.
We found a comfortable spot to settle down, then
Rama said, "While we're getting to know each other
better, I'm going to tell you more about things here on
your planet. Once I tell you about these things, it's up to
you to form your own conclusions."
"What things?"
"Lots of things. People, nations, world powers,
churches, planets, wars, earthquakes, outer space
people, a great international politician, famine, pollu­
tion, ecology, the great battle of Armageddon, the
prophecies of the Great Pyramid and of the Fatima
In a little while, you'll see how all of this clicks into
place. The time is right for this to happen. I'm going to
answer the age-old question, 'What's this world coming
to ?' Right now there's a lot of concern for this question.
And a great deal of curiosity and interest in the Bible as a
means of knowing what lies ahead. But let's take one
thing at a time. Yes, take your notes."
She settled down comfortably and began.
"Armageddon is the name given to a great ba ttle
destined to end all battles and all wa rs. You're about to
see for yourself, by reading the Bible, among other
things, just how all of this will come about.
We will also ta lk about a man, a grea t political figure
who will eventually be the world's king-a dictator, a
fuhrer, an egomaniac who will go so fa r as to call himself
God. He will say he is the Messiah. For our purposes,
let's call him the 'antichrist,' the beast and his fa lse
We'll talk about a nation that is one of the greatest
powers on this planet. A nation that in only two years is
going to be very busy with elections, a new president,

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