(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Science Fiction or Scierzce Fact? 69

I wanted a coke or something to drink. I headed back to
the hotel. On my way, I met Rama, holding the news­
I said to her, "Rama, I'm very confused about all of
this. I want to believe you, but I'm afraid of something. I
think it would be better if I just go about my business.
The things you're telling me are very interesting, but
who would ever believe me?"
"Charles, I know exactly how you feel. I understand.
Your reaction is a natural one. I somewhat expected you
to react this way. But before you leave, I wa nt you to
know that if at any time you should change your mind,
you may come back and we'll just pick up from where we
left off. Maybe when you've had some time to think
about things, you'll feel differently. You know, I heard
what you were thinking right now."
"Look, Rama, maybe that's what's bothering me.
You're invading my privacy all the time. I feel like I'm
made of transparent glass and you're looking right into
"Why won't you give me some kind of proof now? If
you did, it might take away some of the doubt and fear
I'm feeling."
"Sorry, but we're not here to make such demonstra­
tions. Not to human beings who have enough intelli­
gence to at least try and understand for themselves," she
said firmly. "What about faith, have you lost your good
faith? Isn't there anybody you can trust?"
"I sincerely want to believe. But I have lots of hang­
ups ."
"What are they?"
"My upbringing. All the fanatics, the phonies, the con
men, the crazy people I've met and worked with. Who
can you trust? And I'm afra id of being rid iculed."
"Well, just in case you should change your mind, it
might help if you became more knowledgeable on the
subject of UFOs by reading some scientific studies. Start

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