Cardiovascular Fitness Procedures Manual

(coco) #1

4.3.1 First Level Questions

Exhibit 4-12. First level questions to determine exercise protocol

Little or no recreation, sport, or physical activity: If the SP is not regularly involved in

recreation, sport, or physical activity, select 1 from the drop-down menu. If #1(little or no regular physical

activity) is selected from the first level activity questions in Exhibit 4-12 above, the ISIS system will

advance to the screen for the second level activity questions for ‘little or no regular physical activity.’ See

Exhibit 4-13.

Regular modest physical activity: If the SP participates regularly in modest physical

activity from recreation or work, select 2 from the drop down menu. The activity should be typical

physical activity and should be done on a regular basis rather than sporadically or in an earlier time

period. Emphasize the words in capital letters when reading the choices. If #2 (regular, modest physical

activity) is selected from the first level activity questions in Exhibit 4-12 above, the ISIS system will

advance to the screen for the second level activity questions for ‘regular modest physical activity.’ See

Exhibit 4-14.

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