- Supplier control. Continuing supplier
guaranty and supplier HACCP sys-
tem verification.
- Specifications. Written specifications
for all ingredients, products, and
packaging materials.
- Production equipment. Constructed
and installed according to sanitary
design principles with preventive main-
tenance and calibration schedules that
are established and documented.
- Cleaning and sanitation. All proce-
dures should be written and followed.
- Personal hygiene. All personnel enter-
ing the manufacturing area should
follow the requirements for personal
- Training. All employees should receive
training in personal hygiene, GMPs,
cleaning and sanitation procedures,
personal safety, and their role in the
HACCP program.
- Chemical control. Documented pro-
cedures must be adopted to assure the
segregation and proper use of non-
food chemicals (i.e., cleaning com-
pounds, fumigants, pesticides, and
rodenticides) in the plant.
- Receiving, storage, and shipping. Raw
materials and products should be
stored under sanitary conditions.
- Traceability and recall. Raw materials
and products should be lot-coded and
a recall system developed so that rapid
and complete traces and recalls may
be accomplished when necessary.
- Pest control. An effective past control
system should be implemented.
Essential steps to the development of a
HACCP plan are:
- Assembly of an HACCP team, includ-
ing the person responsible for the plan.
Selections should include employees
with expertise in sanitation, quality
assurance, and plant operations. Also,
it is desirable to have expertise in mar-
keting, personnel management, and
communications. HACCP should be
organized as a part of the firm’s qual-
ity assurance program.
- Description of the food and its distri-
bution. The name and other descrip-
tors including storage and distribution
requirements should be provided. All
raw materials and adjuncts should be
- Identification of the intended use and
consumers of the food. It is especially
important to identify intended con-
sumers if infants and other immuno-
compromised people are the targeted
- Development of a flow diagram (to be
discussed later under this topic).
- Verification of the flow diagram. The
HACCP team should inspect the
operation to verify the accuracy and
completeness of the flow diagram.
Modifications should be made as nec-
- Conduct of a hazard analysis.
a. Identify steps in the process where
the hazards of potential significance
b. List all identified hazards associ-
ated with each step.
c. List preventive measures to control
- Identification and documentation of
the CCPs in the process.
- Establishment of critical limits for
preventive measures associated with
each identified CCP.
- Establishment of CCP-monitoring
requirements, including monitoring
frequency and person(s) responsible
for the specific monitoring activities.
- Establishment of corrective action to
be taken when monitoring reveals that