The Mathematics of Arbitrage

(Tina Meador) #1

328 15 A Compactness Principle





2 k(K)


2 k(K)


The latter expression clearly tends to 0 asK→∞. 

Corollary 15.2.2.If the sequenceβkis such thatfnk∧βk(g+1)is uniformly
integrable, then there also exists a sequenceγksuch thatγβkktends to infinity
and such that the sequencefnk∧γk(g+1)remains uniformly integrable.

Proof.In order to show the existence ofγkwe proceed as follows. The sequence

hk=βk(g+1) (^1) {fnk≥βk(g+1)}
tends to zero inL^1 (P), since the sequencefnk∧βk(g+1) is uniformly integrable
andP[fnk≥βk(g+1)]≤β^1 k→0. Let nowαkbe a sequence that tends to
infinity but so thatαkhkstill tends to 0 inL^1 (P). If we defineγk=αkβkwe
have that
and hence we obtain the uniform integrability offnk∧γk(g+1). 
Remark 15.2.3.In most applications of the Kadeˇc-Pelczy ́nski decomposition
theorem, we can takeg= 0. However, in Sect. 15.4, we will need the easy
generalisation to the case wheregis a non-zero integrable non-negative func-
tion. The general case can in fact be reduced to the caseg=0byreplacing
the functionsfnby(gf+1)n and by replacing the measurePby the probability
measureQdefined asdQ=E(g[g+1)+1]dP.
Remark 15.2.4.We will in many cases drop indices likenkand simply suppose
that the original sequence (fn)n≥ 1 already satisfies the conclusions of the
theorem. In most cases such passing to a subsequence is allowed and we will
abuse this simplification as many times as possible.
Remark 15.2.5.The sequence of sets{fn >βn(g+1)} is, of course, not
necessarily a disjoint sequence. In case we need two by two disjoint sets
we proceed as follows. By selecting a subsequence we may suppose that∑
n>kP[fn >βn(g+1)]≤ εk, where the sequence of strictly positive
numbers (εk)k≥ 1 is chosen in such a way that



P[B]<εk. It is now easily seen that the sequence of sets (An)n≥ 1 defined by

k>n{fk>βk(g+1)}will do the job.
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