Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

¾ Do no-pain tai chi, yoga, or Pilates four to seven days per
¾ Again, don’t ever push your back! If it hurts, don’t do it!
Work up to the pain and around it, but not through it!

Common Back Pain: Things You Can Do Now!

¾ Exercise pain free, as above.

¾ Eat off the BED list for two to four weeks or, if you do no
other dietary change, at least get off all milk products
(cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, sour cream, kefir) for one
month. (see Appendix A). Yes! Food intolerance can cause
back (and joint) pain. Especially dairy and wheat.
¾ Eliminate for two to four weeks all caffeine beverages (in-
cluding caffeine-containing medications).

¾ Some nutrients that may help your back: vitamin D 2,000–
6,000 IU/day (get a blood level; optimal 40–70 ng/ml);
calcium 500–1,000 mg/d; magnesium 500–1,000 mg/d
(watch for loose stools at high dose; elderly must have
good kidney function); B complex 50–100 mg/d; glucos-
amine HCL 1,000–3,000 mg/d; fish oil 3,000–5,000 mg/d
EPA/DHA or vegan DHA 400-1000 mg (algal oil); ginger
1–2 gm/d; curcumin 500–1,000 mg/d.

TV and Exercise: America’s Way
to Healthcare Reform?

Americans watch a lot of TV, as reported by The Nielsen Com-
pany in their Three Screen Report in 2009.
“The typical American continues to increase his/her media
time, watching each week almost 35 hours of TV, 2 hours of time-
shifted TV, 22 minutes of online video and 4 minutes of mobile

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