Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the triad mind-body program

We create our reality first in our minds. What we think we be-
come. The magic of picturing yourself well keeps you from think-
ing the worst about yourself, which strips you of hope. If nothing
else, visualizing ourselves being well keeps us from focusing on
being sick and all our problems, which doesn’t help anyone.
One of the most important things you can do is just sit and
imagine yourself in a perfect state of well-being—whatever that
means to you. The other image is picturing your ideal life: what it
is that you really want to do each and every moment. What excites
I call this practice of doing, visualizing, and speaking about
what you really want to do with your life “giving your body the live
message!” However you can give your body the live message is very
important for living a truly healthy life. For me, it’s living my life’s
work and being successful at it: teaching, writing, and encouraging
people how to be and stay well and to live their life’s passion. That
is my joy and purpose. When I am living this, I feel whole, vibrant,
and alive. When I am struggling with this, I don’t feel well. In my
most frustrating times, when that goal seemed farthest away, I felt
as if I was dying.

Creating Your “Ideal Health Scene”

In his fabulous book (which has a two-CD audio version) The
Greatest Secret of All: Moving Beyond Abundance to a Life of True
Fulfillment (New World Library, 2008;,
Marc Allen proposes a fantastically simple, easy, and organized
way of getting what you want in life.^1
There’s no reason why this process can’t apply to other aspects
of your life, such as your health goals. The following is my modi-
fication of Marc Allen’s concept directed toward personal health.

  1. Write down on one or two sheets of paper what your ideal
    “health scene” five years from now would be. Don’t think
    too much. Just write down exactly how you would like your
    health and physical appearance to be. Do not let your mind

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